"The Journey From Reformation to Transformation: The 12-Steps and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola"
With Fr. Gerry McKeon, S.J.
Fri, Jan 10 - Sun, Jan 12
Join us for this weekend retreat where we will explore 12-Step Spirituality from the perspective of the Spiritual Exercises. Talks will explore themes from the Exercises which address the call to become freed from our addictions, and freed for a life of loving service, walking with Christ crucified and risen.
Material will also be drawn from the Big Book, the 12 and 12, and other 12-Step literature. People familiar with either or both spiritual paths will find support and encouragement for their spiritual growth.
The retreat will encourage time for private prayer. Suggested meditations and contemplations from Scripture will be offered. There will also be an opportunity for one on one conversations with the Retreat Director. Eucharist will be celebrated once during the weekend.
$250.00 single room (shared toilet between two single rooms
$220.00 shared double room (two twin beds and full bath inside the room)
$310.00 Double alone (private room with full bath)
Fr. Gerry McKeon, S.J.
Fr. Gerry McKeon, S.J. lives int he Jesuit Community at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York. He is a staff member at the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse, where he offers Spiritual Direction, and Retreats in Everyday Life. he also serves as a visiting Retreat Director at Eastern Point Retreat House, Gloucester, MA. His other ministry includes hospital Chaplaincy, and Chaplaincy at a local County Jail.