ADVENT Day Retreat: God Present and Coming: The Reigning of God in Our Day
with Sr. Mary McGlone, CSJ
Sat, Dec 7
Schedule for the Day
8:00 Check-in & Hospitality
9:00 Welcome - main conference room
9:15 Talk #1 - main conference room
9:45 Quiet Prayer - free time
10:15 Small group sharing - main conference room
10:45 Break
11:00 Talk #2 - main conference room
11:30 Large group reflection
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Confessions/Spiritual Conversation/Personal reflection time until 2:20
2:30 Talk #3 - main conference room
3:00 Quiet Prayer - free time
3:30 Large group reflection & wrap up
4:00 Break
4:15 Mass
5:00 End day
Sr. Mary M. McGlone
Sr. Mary McGlone serves on the congregational leadership team and has published two books on the history of the Sisters of St. Joseph. She is the Author of Scripture for Life, NCR's popular reflections on Sunday Readings. Sr. Mary earned a Ph.D. in Historical Theology from St. Louis University and offers retreats and presentations both nationally and internationally.