Food Insecurity an Invasive Injustice
with Marcus Ebenhoe and Catholic Charities Family & Community Services
Thu, Feb 29
5:30 pm
Jesus directions were clear: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Yet thousands of people go hungry in our communities on a daily basis. How did we let this happen? Let’s spend the evening reflecting on how food insecurity became such an invasive injustice in our society and what we can do on a personal and community level to address this issue.
Marcus Ebenhoe
Marcus Ebenhoe is the Director of Advocacy & Parish Social Ministry at Catholic Charities Family & Community Services. He spent several years working as Social Ministry Coordinator at Sacred Heart Cathedral where he co-founded Joseph’s Place food pantry and a number of other food related ministries. He has an M.Div. from Seattle University and is an avid home gardener with a brown thumb.
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